News & Happenings
The Associated

We Are One: Tu B’Shvat and MLK, Sustainability & Justice
We find ourselves immersed in another dark pandemic winter, a reality we could not have fathomed two years ago. And as the pandemic drags on, our social fabric continues to fray, while the climate crisis…

With merger, Baltimore is set to become a center of Jewish environmental work
By Rudy Malcom | Baltimore Jewish Times
Baltimore is poised to become a national leader in the Jewish outdoor food, farming and environmental education movement.
On July 8, the Pearlstone Center, a Jewish…

Pikesville native returns home to film cooking show
By Jesse Berman | Baltimore Jewish Times
When families sit down to watch a show about American barbecuing, they may not be expecting to be greeted by a self-described Jewish intellectual who was born in…

The Associated is Going Green (BALTIMORE FISHBOWL)
Climate change is accelerating, causing an increase in deadly climate events. This past year record-breaking hurricanes, devastating wildfires and soaring temperatures pummeled our planet.
Many organizations…

The Power of Community Solar (Baltimore Case Study)
What does it look like for a Jewish community to collectively take concrete action towards large-scale solar power?
This conversation about the power of a Community-Wide Solar Initiative highlights the…

Amid a challenging year for staff and revenue, Pearlstone adopts new programs
Jesse Berman | Baltimore Jewish Times
In a normal year, Pearlstone Center, a Jewish retreat center in Reisterstown, has a $6 million budget and more than 120 staff members, with around 45 of them full…

Pearlstone Reinvents Itself in the Wake of the Coronavirus Pandemic
“Pearlstone has created dynamic, new strategies for community impact during these difficult times.” Read this article from The Associated, published May 21, 2020.

Tending to the Earth: Gardening Grounds Us in Today’s Times
Joan Plisko, Community Sustainability Director for Pearlstone, recently wrote an article that was shared far and wide by The Associated.

Pearlstone Offers Meal Delivery during Pandemic – JMORE
Tired of cooking at home, but uncomfortable with ordering takeout in the midst of a pandemic? JMORE highlights Pearlstone Kitchen as the solution!

Journey to a More Sustainable Passover
Passover is a joyous time to celebrate with friends, family, and new acquaintances. Here are some suggestions for weaving earth friendly practices and discussion topics into your Seder.